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Organization Structure and Administration

International Council for Education, Research and Training is an autonomous non-government leading scientific and professional research & training organization with offices located in various countries. With several educators, researchers, consultants, and students as members, ICERT not only develops Educational Training Programs but also manages institutes, and promotes research and training in education globally. This is an institution of learning and training facilitating education, research and social welfare initiatives.

ICERT Structure

The Council functions under the overall supervision of the Core Committee ICERT, a committee of professionals from different domains constituted by the council members and all core committee members are the members of the council. The council has various statutory committees which are advisory in nature. The Governing Body of the council is constituted as per its rules and regulations. The recommendations of all the committees are placed for approval before the Core Committee of ICERT.


The Chairman is the Chief of the Council and General Secretary/ Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Council and is assisted by Heads of Divisions that includes Executive Directors of Divisions and Executive Officers. The Core Committee is assisted by the Governing Body/ Managing Committee that consists of Executive Officers in all divisions.


The Secretary/ General Secretary, ICERT, is also the Chief Administrative Officer of the council and responsible for the matters relating to Administration, Audit and Accounts, Public Relations, Legal, Social Welfares and related.


The Secretary, ICERT, is the Chief Administrative Officer of the council and responsible for the matters relating to Administration, Audit and Accounts, Public Relations, Legal and Social Welfares.

ICERT Mission

With the motto: Knowledge, Wisdom and Prosperity we at ICERT are working with the mission to promote the advancement and application of scientific researches & knowledge to benefit society.

ICERT Vision

“Empowering Communities, Promoting Learning and Development Globally”

With the vision: Empowering Global Communities, we at ICERT are committed to promoting educational, health, and social welfare activities, researching complex challenges, and developing competencies through research, and training for sustainable development.


ICERT services covers:

  • Managing and maintain educational, research and training institutions in different disciplines

  • Promoting, conducting and organizing educational and research programs in different disciplines

  • Professional development of educators in school and higher education including health, engineering and other disciplines

  • Enrichment and awareness programs including educational, research, women empowerment and health programs for student communities, and society in different spheres.

  • Promoting sports, physical health, mental health and cultural activities

  • Felicitation and honouring dignitaries working in various spheres like in health, education, research, training, engineering, social & cultural welfares and other disciplines 

  • Conducting skill and vocational research & training programs and related.

  • Organizing programs and training on environmental sustainability, culture, heritage, empowerment of communities. 

  • To collaborate with educational institutions for education, research, trainings, publication, social welfare, and related objectives. 

  • Supporting and providing a platform for research and publication to education fraternity, research community, and society. 

  • To extend its services to any other domain/ sphere as deemed fit by the core committee ICERT as per the aims and objectives of ICERT.

ICERT Divisions

ICERT divisions are professional homes managed by the Core Committee ICERT and organized by the ICERT members. Each division represent specific domain/ discipline of ICERT Core Structure. ICERT members can nominate themselves to lead the division. Each division is headed by the Executive Director and Executive Officer, a principal officer and second in command with executive powers. All divisions work in tandem with each other to achieve high outcomes as per ICERT vision and mission.

Education Division

Education division is composed of professional in school and higher education whose major professional interest lies in children, school process, adult education, higher education and educational practices. The division represents the interest of professionals in engaged in the delivery of comprehensive educational services to children, adolescents, school educators, families in schools, adult education, career services, vocational and skill education, and other applied settings. The division is dedicated to facilitating the professional practice of school education, higher education, vocational and skill education, and actively advocates in domains, such as education and health care reform, which have significant implications for the practice of school health with adolescent & children and adult health with students in higher education. The division welcomes members including non-doctoral-level educators and educational practitioners to join the division as professional affiliates.


Research and Publication Division

ICERT Research and Publication Division provides a collegial environment for professionals with interest in research, teaching or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their work. In academic life, it is said, one must publish or perish. Publication facilitates the open exchange of information among researchers and exposes research data and findings to the scrutiny of the larger education community. The research and publication division of ICERT is assigned the responsibility for the ICERT publication. All publications are reviewed by the editorial board of journals and magazine before publication as per the ICERT Publication Policy. Reviewers play a critical role in maintaining the quality and integrity of academic research. Reviewers shall recognize the importance of upholding the highest ethical standards in their work and pledge to adhere to the following ethical statements, Confidentiality, Objectivity and impartiality, Timeliness, Professionalism, and Constructive feedback.

Public Relations and Communication Division

ICERT Public Relation division is charged with the responsibility to disseminate information on various activities and event of ICERT and providing feedback to the core committee for further improvements. Publication Relation and Communication Division supervises and assesses public attitudes, and maintain mutual relations and understanding between the organization and its public. It improves channels of communication and to institute new ways of setting up a two-way flow of information and understanding. 


Professional Development Division

ICERT Professional Development Division is dedicated to the lifelong learning and career development of education, health and industry professionals. Its mission is to facilitate the ongoing education and training of educators and researchers to promote professional excellence, advancement and leadership competencies for professionals in all areas. The PDP (Professional Development Program/ Continuing Professional Development) activities include print and digital media, webinars, seminars, conferences, institutes collaboration, learning communities, mentoring networks and online courses.


Social Welfare Division

Social welfare division works for the welfare of society in education, research, competency development, equity and inclusion, environment, art and culture, health and well-being. This division especially work in tandem with other division to empower the community in education, research, training on skills, and promoting advancement in different community welfare domains, etc. With the slogan “Empowering Communities, Promoting Learning and Development Globally”, ICERT Social Welfare Division especially working in women empowerment, empowering youth on skills & competencies for sustainable future, promoting education, training youth and women, collaborating with industries, government departments, education institutes and various other organization to bring positive change in society as visioned in UN SDGs. 


Health & Well-Being Division

This division in collaboration with Social Welfare division works on promotion of health as a process by which the capacity of individuals to cope will be enhanced and strengthened.  This division works on promoting mental health, maternal health, physical health awareness and capacity building, reproductive health, prevention of substance abuse, road safety by building capacity of people in preventing road injuries and death, and empowering health professionals. For achieving these targets this division also join hands with other organization and volunteers. 


Membership Division

ICERT is a global community of people who dream to serve the humanity & community as whole, and lead different disciplines and professions. ICERT members get benefits like being an editorial board member in ICERT publications, concessions on continuing education, training, and research publications, unlimited access to exclusive resources and consultations, networking opportunities among professionals, the opportunity to serve in the executive committee, core committee, boards, and other groups of ICERT, and much more. This division especially work on networking with people who believe in ICERT vision & mission and wish to contribute for empowering the global communities. 


Accounts and Legal Affairs

ICERT accounts division and division of legal affairs are the part of ICERT administration and work on various assignments related to finance and legal, including confidential assignments. This division is overall responsible for the finance and legal affairs of the institution and work in tandem with other divisions and ICERT Core Committee. 


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Katmandu 44600, Nepal

Tel:  +91 9811-077-122, +91 9911-041-115 

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Tel: +1 (814) 384-5976, +91 9811-077-122 

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Tel: +91 9811-077-122, +91 9911-041-115, +977 985-1016848

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