Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
An International scholarly/ academic journal, peer-reviewed/ refereed journal, ISSN : 2960-0006
Journal Overview
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal is an international scholarly/ academic journal, peer-reviewed/ refereed journal for faculty, researchers and research scholars. This journal serves as a forum for the exchange of the innovative ideas, data and information related to the multiple disciplines including science, social sciences, technology and engineering, psychological science, health, computer science, education, management, defence education, political science, development of education, and other disciplines for the welfare of community.
Journal scope statement
The main aim of the Edumania is to publish and providing open platform to the original educational research across all ages and educational levels in multiple disciplines.
The secondary aim of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important meta-analysis articles that are pertinent to education or other disciplines. The Journal does not typically publish reliability and validity studies of specific tests or assessment instruments, etc.
Journal Policy: Brief description
Researchers are expected to follow the fundamental aspects of research planning and reporting as per ICERT transparency and openness promotion guidelines. Authors are required to put their efforts to comply minimum TOP guidelines as per following fundamental aspects
Data Transparency: Disclosure of articles data including raw or processed data and its access sources.
Citation: Text and the reference section must contain the data, programs or other methods developed by others.
Research Material: There must be transparency in the material described in the article with sources from where it could be accessed.
Methods Transparency: Disclosure regarding the article states whether computer code or syntax needed to reproduce analyses in an article is available and, if so, where to access it.
Reporting Standards: Follow the style and guidelines as closely as possible, as mentioned in Article Submission section or design and analysis transparency as per APA, MLA, and Chicago Manual of Style or other styles.
Study Disclosure: Articles/ study design/ or work reported should be preregistered, if applicable, with the access sources.
Analysis Disclosure: If applicable, the analysis plan and work reported in the article should be preregistered.
Reporting Frameworks
Bias-free language and community-driven language guidelines
Impact statements
Equitable content from representative of all people and communities
Diversify in community of authors, editors, and readers
Data sharing and data availability statements
Participant sample descriptions
Masked peer review
Disclaimer: ICERT and the editors of Edu Mania assume no responsibility for statements and opinions advanced by the authors of its articles/ papers.
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