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Higher Education In India: Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions

Layek, P.



Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development. Providing universal access to quality education Is the key to India’s continued ascent, and leadership on the global stage in terms of economic growth, social justice and equality, scientific advancement, national integration, and cultural preservation. Universal high-quality education is the best way forward for developing and maximizing our country’s rich talents and resources for the good of the individual, the society, the country, and the world. India will have the highest population of young people in the world over the next decade, and our ability to provide high-quality educational opportunities to them will determine the future of our country. The aim must be for India to have an education system by 2040 that is second to none, with equitable access to the highest-quality education for all learners regardless of social or economic background.


Keyword: Education, Teacher Projection, NEP, Change in Education System.

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APA 7th Style

Layek, P. (2023). Higher Education in India: Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions. Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 02(01), 54–60.


MLA 9th Edition

Layek, Parikshit. “Higher Education in India: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions.” Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 02, no. 01, Jan. 2023, pp. 54–60.


Chicago 17th Edition

Layek, Parikshit. “Higher Education in India: Opportunities, Challenges & Solutions.” Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal 02, no. 01 (January 1, 2023): 54–60.


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