Secretary's Message
Welcome to the International Council for Education, Research, and Training, and its divisions. As we say on our website, ICERT provides a professional home for educators, health professionals, industry professionals, researchers, students, social reformers, and agents of social change who are interested in making a significant contribution to society as per changing global dynamics. The ICERT promotes the development and advancement of the application of scientific research & knowledge to benefit society through research, publication, training, teaching, and educational practices.
Serving as Secretary of ICERT and Chief Administrative Officer of the Council is an honor. I am honored to have a team of professionals from different domains leading the divisions of ICERT and as a whole, we do some useful work together to contribute more to the education fraternity and society.
The 21st century is an era of uncertainty and in 2020 and 2021 we faced the worldwide pandemic of Covid 19, which has been made worse by the longer-standing social, educational, and economic problems and might face such issues but fortunate to have had strong and thoughtful fraternity of educationist, policy makers and leadership that leaves us ready to carry on. Our strengths as council, divisions, and specialty lie in our diversity of expertise in various domains of education, research, professional development health, industry, and social welfare. We have academicians, and researchers who hone cutting-edge understanding of group dynamics and prepare our next generation of agents of social change in diverse domains for the welfare of society.
We welcome educationists, health and industry professionals, students, researchers, and social reformers globally to join the professional team of ICERT.
I appreciate your interest and please feel free to contact us if you would like to become involved in the mission & vision of ICERT or other assistance.
Kind Regards,
Dr Sandeep Kumar
Secretary, ICERT
About Secretary
Dr Sandeep Kumar holds the position of General Secretary/ Secretary at the International Council for Education Research and Training from 2021 and constantly serving the council to excel in different domains as per vision and mission of the council. He holds D.Litt., Ph.D. in Chemistry, and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Dr Kumar has over two decades professional experience in education, counseling, clinical practices and leadership. As a mental health professional, he has worked and still working with parents, students & teachers of different institutions, till Dec 2021 conducted more than 200 workshops, more than 9000 teachers from school and higher education have been trained. He is constantly working on research and training of educators. His professional expertise is in psycho-educational training modules, mental health & psychological strengthening. His academic interest lies in teacher development, educational researches, and developing quality education scenarios in school & higher education. During doctoral program, he has written & presented research articles on chemical education, pedagogical approaches in chemistry, mental health and psychological disorders. During doctoral program he has researched on “Romantic relationship breakups & its association with Major Depressive Disorder”. He has written and presented more than 70 research papers on teaching methodologies, assessment, mental health, psychological disorders at various National and International platforms. He has been Invited as Guest Speaker/ Invited Speaker/ Chair in various National/ International Conferences. He has worked as resource person in various National and International Programs. He has been felicitated with various prestigious awards at international level.
Core Committee and Governing Body
Prof. Dr. Aruna Anchal
Director and Head, Research & Publication Division
About Division
ICERT Research and Publication Division provides a collegial environment for professionals with an interest in research, teaching, or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their research work. The research and publication division of ICERT is assigned the responsibility for the ICERT publication. Read more
About Prof. Dr. Aruna Anchal
Prof. Aruna Anchal is serving as Director and Head, Research & Publication ICERT, She holds a doctorate in education and Postgraduate in English, History, Hindi and M.Ed. She has more than two decades of teaching experience in Education and Research. Read more

Dr Navneet Kaur
Director and Head, Education Division
About Division
The education division is composed of professionals in school and higher education whose major professional interest lies in children, school processes, adult education, higher education, and educational practices. The division represents the interest of professionals engaged in the delivery of comprehensive educational services to children, adolescents, school educators, families in schools, adult education, career services, vocational and skill education, and other applied settings. Read more
About Dr Navneet Kaur
Dr Navneet Kaur is serving as Director and Head, Education Division ICERT. She has qualified with Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Master in Commerce and Higher Diploma in Software Engineering. She is an Educator and Leader with an experience of more than twenty two years in the field of Education and more than ten years in School Administration and Leadership. Read More

Dr Simran Mehta
Director and Head, Accounts Division
About Division
International Council for Education, Research and Training is an autonomous non-government leading scientific and professional research & training organization. ICERT accounts division and division of legal affairs are the part of ICERT administration and work on various assignments related to finance and legal, including confidential assignments. This division is overall responsible for the finance and legal affairs of the institution and work in tandem with other divisions and ICERT Core Committee Read more
About Dr Simran Mehta
Dr Simran Mehta is currently working in ICERT and managing the Accounts Division as Director and Head. She holds Ph.D. in Commerce, M.B.A. in HR and various courses in HR and Accounting. She is chief core committee officer. Read more

Dr Manisha D Bhagoji
Executive Director, Professional Development Division
About Division
ICERT Professional Development Division is dedicated to the lifelong learning and career development of education, health and industry professionals. Its mission is to facilitate the ongoing education and training of educators and researchers to promote professional excellence, advancement and leadership competencies for professionals in all areas. Read more
About Dr Manisha D Bhagoji
Dr Manisha D Bhagoji is currently serving ICERT as Executive Director Professional Development Division. She holds B.A. (Vocational), Double M.A. Eng., B.Ed., CTET, PET, NET, Technical Writing (Suwega Software), Ph.D. in English. Read more

Dr Saima Pervez
Executive Director, Public Relation Division
About Division
ICERT Public Relation division is charged with the responsibility to disseminate information on various activities and event of ICERT and providing feedback to the core committee for further improvements. Publication Relation and Communication Division supervises and assesses public attitudes, and maintain mutual relations and understanding between the organization and its public.. Read more
About Dr Saima Pervez
Dr. Saima Pervez has completed her PhD in the field of cancer from Amity University Noida. She has more than 5 Scopus and more than 12 UGC Care publications. Attended more than 20 international conferences. She is gold medallist in Graduation from IP University. Read More

Prof. Dr. Evone Botros
Executive Director, Membership Division
About Division
ICERT is a global community of people who dream to serve the humanity & community as whole, and lead different disciplines and professions. This division especially work on networking with people who believe in ICERT vision & mission and wish to contribute for empowering the global communities. Read more
About Prof. Dr. Evone Botros
Prof. Dr. Evone Botros is currently serving as Executive Director at Membership Division ICERT. She is also acting as Area Manager in the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Kingstonmena, London, UK, fellow at RSA, UK.

Prof. Dr. Rhoda Basco-Galangco
Executive Director, Education Division
About Division
The education division is composed of professionals in school and higher education whose major professional interest lies in children, school processes, adult education, higher education, and educational practices. The division represents the interest of professionals engaged in the delivery of comprehensive educational services to children, adolescents, school educators, families in schools, adult education, career services, vocational and skill education, and other applied settings. Read more
About Prof. Dr. Rhoda Basco-Galangco
Prof. Dr. Rhoda Basco-Galangco is doctorate in Educational Management. She has an enriched experience of more than three decades in teaching, supervision, leadership and administration. Her areas of expertise are research, curriculum development, evaluation, journal management and designing strategic plans. Read more

Dr. Delight Omoji Idika
Executive Director, Research Division
About Division
ICERT Research and Publication Division provides a collegial environment for professionals with interest in research, teaching or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their work. The research and publication division of ICERT is assigned the responsibility for the ICERT publication. Read more
About Dr Delight Omoji Idika
Dr. Delight Omoji Idika holds a Ph.D. degree in Educational Research and Statistics from the Department of Educational Foundations of the University of Calabar, Nigeria. She is a Senior Research Fellow and Research Project Co-coordinator/Design Reader at the Institute of Education, UNICAL where she is currently serving on secondment and meeting the research needs of the Institute. Read More

Dr. Swarna
Executive Director, Publication Division
About Division
ICERT Research and Publication Division provides a collegial environment for professionals with interest in research, teaching or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their work. The research and publication division of ICERT is assigned the responsibility for the ICERT publication.
About Dr Swarna
Dr Swarna is serving ICERT as Executive Director at Publication Division. Dr Swarna is working as Assistant Professor and HoD, Department of English, Ismail National Mahila (PG) College, Meerut India. She holds M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET (twice). With this she also holds the responsibility as Coordinator of Online Education and LMS Cell, Coordinator of Computer Lab, Coordinator of Language Lab, Covid Nodal Officer, Member of IQAC Committee and Coordinator of Rangers Committee. Read More
Dr. S.K. Singhmar
Chairman, ICERT
Dr Sandeep Kumar
Secretary, ICERT
ICERT support members and serve education fraternity
International Council for Education Research and Training is a group of professionals from different domains. As an honorable member at ICERT, members will get benefits like concessions on continuing education, training, and research publications, unlimited access to exclusive resources and consultations, networking opportunities among professionals, acquainted with members & the opportunity to serve on the executive committee, core committee, divisions, and other groups of ICERT, and much more. ICERT members are tremendous asset to the ICERT who selflessly work on different social service domains.
Type of Membership: Life Time Membership
Who can join: Educationists, Academicians, Researchers, Students, Professionals from Health, Industry, and Business, Social Reformers and anyone who want to make positive change in society and willing to support ICERT vision & mission.
How to join: Fill out the nomination form
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ICERT Fellows
Fellows shall be members of the council who are interested in the advancement of Research, Publication, Training, and Education and who have met the requirements described below.
Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon ICERT members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in Education, Research, Training, Health, Social Welfare and Industry. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national or international impact on the society beyond a local, state or regional level.
How to apply
The Core Committee’s selection and recommendations are based on criteria approved by the core committee and governing body in its general meeting. The nomination must be supported by one core committee/ executive body member/ head of division. Each nominee’s application materials are reviewed by the Core Committee, which has the responsibility of selecting and honoring the fellows.
Criteria for fellow status
Doctoral degree in any discipline as per expertise.
Prior status as a member for at least one year, and recommendation by any core committee member/ governing body member/ division head
Active engagement in the advancement of Research, Education, Training, Health or Knowledge in other disciplines.
Rich work experience in specific discipline.
Evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in any discipline as per expertise.
How to nominate: Fill out the nomination form
Fellow Spotlights

Prof. Dr. M. Amr Sadik

Ms Sonia McPherson

Dr Chacko Jose P

Dr. Grace Oluremilekun Akanbi (Ajiire)

Dr. Uma Sinha